The brief was to create a new startup district – The Garage, an incubator that provides spaces to accommodate around 100 startups in different maturity stages.
A new lightweight extension has been added to the roof of the existing multi-storey carparking structure. This new generous space would host special events like Hackathon. Being column-free, it could be easily adaptable to different configurations and converted into entertainment spaces like DJ events. A roof-top bar has also been built as a central feature of the roof terraces and extend these events outdoor.
Externally, the rooftop bar and terraces are easily accessible by the car ramps from the main building entrance. A new curve metal façade around the outer perimeter of the building boundary helps bring two separate carparking buildings together, and also creates a new prominent main entrance to the new development.
Internally, a big atrium was created at the junction of the two separate carparking structures to feature a pair of spiral staircases. The central location of these architectural feature stairs invites people to explore the different spaces, make new connections and create spontaneous networking opportunities across different parts of the incubator.
Majority of the existing carparking structure has been retained and utilised as much as possible. For example, the road kerbs have been used as a base grid to set out the internal layout of the spaces including a reception, workspaces (dedicated and hot desking), lounges (networking and quiet), cafeteria, meeting and brainstorm rooms and other supporting spaces.
All offices partition walls and furniture have been proposed to be modular and some mobile to enable flexible and ease of conversion of spaces to tenancy changes. Transport theme interiors and wayfinding further add to the unique branding of the Garage Startup District.
The Garage
King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST)